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Electrocution Injury Lawyer

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1.5 Million


Qui Tam

1.0 Million



750 Thousand



Jackson Electrocution Injury Lawyer

There are four types of electrocution lawsuits. Those are workers’ compensation, on-the-job injury not covered under workers’ compensation, premises liability, and product liability. Workers’ compensation generally bars employees from filing lawsuits against their employers. But sometimes work injuries happen due to a contractor or a defective piece of equipment, so a negligent third party can be sued as part of a work injury lawsuit. Our Jackson electrocution injury lawyer can help with all types of personal injury lawsuits that emerge from electrocution incidents.

Work injury electrocution accidents

Mississippi law makes it very difficult to sue your employer. Even if your employer is negligent and this causes your injury, the sole remedy will be the workers’ compensation system. While lawsuits against employers are barred by statute, lawsuits against other parties involved in your workplace are not.

If an undertrained contractor or defective piece of equipment leads to electrocution on the job, you may be entitled to sue the contractor’s employer or the manufacturer of the equipment. In some cases, you can sue the company tasked with maintaining the equipment.

Premises liability and landlord liability

It doesn’t happen often, but people are electrocuted on buses or other properties that have not been properly maintained. If a dangerous condition is left unremedied on another’s property, and that dangerous condition causes injury, you are entitled to sue for damages related to your injury.

In some cases, it’s a landlord’s fault that dangerous wiring has been left unremedied. While the majority of these situations result in fire hazards, they can also lead to electrocutions.

Dangerous or defective products

Sometimes, dangerous or defective products can cause electrocution injuries. When this is the case, the manufacturer of the product can be sued for the dangerous design or manufacturing defect, or for failing to warn customers about a potential hazard.

Most recently, forums that provide the sale of dangerous or defective items can also be sued. Amazon recently lost two lawsuits that alleged they put dangerous products into the stream of commerce. Amazon countered by saying they are a forum, not a supplier and that flea market rules should apply to them. The judge, citing numerous customer complaints posted on Amazon concerning several dangerous items, said that Amazon should have known that the devices were dangerous and they continued to allow their forum to make the product available. Amazon can now also be held liable for dangerous items in cases where several reviews outlined an issue with a product.

Talk to a Jackson, MS Electrocution Lawyer About Your Case Today

If you’ve been electrocuted on the job, by a dangerous product, on someone else’s property, or on a rental property, you can recover damages related to your injuries. The litigation team at Keith B. French Law, PLLC can file suit to hold the offending party accountable and recover damages related to your medical expenses, lost wages, and reduced quality of life.

Keith B. French Law

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You deserve to know what your attorney can do for you before you decide to retain his services to
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know whether you have a good case and how the Firm can help.