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Wrongful Death Lawyer

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Jackson Wrongful Death Lawyer

You can never fully prepare for losing a loved one, particularly when their death was caused by a sudden and unexpected accident. If you lost a loved one due to the negligent or careless actions of another person, you may have the right to file a wrongful death claim for damages. Of course, no amount of compensation can replace your loved one. However, a wrongful death claim can help offset the financial burden the loss has caused. Our Jackson wrongful death lawyer will help you through the claims process, and through this difficult time.

What is a Wrongful Death Civil Claim?

Under Mississippi law, wrongful death is defined as any death that is caused by a negligent or wrongful act, or unsafe machine. Any death caused by a breach of warranty of fitness in a product or item meant for consumer use is also considered a wrongful death under the law.

The elements of proof you are required to establish in a wrongful death claim are largely the same as those you have to prove in other personal injury lawsuits. You must prove another acted negligently, that their negligence caused an accident, and that the accident resulted in the death of your loved one. Wrongful death lawsuits are civil cases, not criminal cases.

Even if a criminal case results from the accident, such as when the negligent party drove drunk, the outcome of one case has no bearing on the other. Criminal cases are meant to punish the wrongdoer for breaking the law, while a civil claim allows you to recover financial compensation for your losses.

Causes of Wrongful Death in Jackson

Wrongful deaths occur more commonly in Jackson than many people think. While any act of negligence can cause an accident that results in wrongful death, some are more common than others. The most common causes of wrongful death in Jackson include:

  • Bicycle accidents
  • Bus accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Dog and animal bites
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Boat accidents

Any time the above accidents result in a death, it is important to speak to a lawyer that can advise on whether you have a claim.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Jackson?

Only certain individuals are allowed to file a wrongful death claim in Jackson. They include the personal representative of the deceased’s estate, a surviving spouse, a surviving parent, or a surviving sibling of the deceased. Generally speaking, it is family members that file wrongful death claims. If the deceased had a surviving spouse and surviving children, the damages awarded are distributed equally among all parties. In the event that the deceased did not have a surviving spouse, it is usually a sibling or surviving parent that files a claim.

Call Our Wrongful Death Lawyer in Jackson Today

Losing someone is never easy, but financial compensation can help you deal with the aftermath that may result, such as funeral and burial expenses. At Keith B. French Law, PLLC, our Jackson wrongful death lawyer can help your family through this difficult time and recover the full damages you deserve. Call us today at 832-243-6153 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

Keith B. French Law

Free Consultation

You deserve to know what your attorney can do for you before you decide to retain his services to
represent you. Keith B. French Law offers a free consultation to learn about your needs and let you
know whether you have a good case and how the Firm can help.